Mortal Instruments, City of Bones, written by Cassandra Clare --- Film directed by Harald Zwart, Screenplay by Jessica Postigo.
So guys, I decided I wasnted to start doing book to film reviews as well as just book reviews. So many people come to me and ask -- was it worth the $16 dollars to see this movie? Which is better? Well I'm here to say that generally the books are ALWAYS better, with very rare exceptions, because a screenplay generally just can't add all the beautiful scenes we picture in our heads, go to fast and rush the romanticism of it all. Yet everytime one of my favourite books gets made into a movie I happy dance, and then stalk it's progress like a crazy fangirl. Oh wait, I am that. And I always head eagerly to the premier, the excitement within me palpable -- and then I walk out of the theatre bewildered and upset at what was missed or what was completely wrong (although I will add usually I go into the movie initially with my book goggles on, so it's best if I see it more than once, so I can calm down and maybe enjoy more the second time).
So, seeing as the Mortal Instruments have always been one of my favourite series, as well as the Dark Artifices, so when I learned about City of Bones being converted to the big screen, naturally I was over the moon to have Jace, Clary and Simon brought to life. The book itself, is beautifuuly written with some scenes that made me laugh, and some that broke my heart into little tiny peices. The movie, you ask? Weeelll..... it was okaaaay....
First of all the casting was very up and down for me. I liked Lily Collins (Clarissa Fray) ability to act, I think she has great talent, however it has been years now with her, where I can't help but have that glass shattering moment when all I can look at is her eyebrows. I'm sorry, but they take up half her face, which is a very pretty face nonetheless. Jamie Campbell-Bower? He was good as Jace, I thought, and I particularly liked that he actually looked like a lion to me, which is how he was first described when Clary first came across him in Pandemonium. The character casting I enjoyed the most was Robert Sheehan, I absolutely LOVED how he brought Simon to life with the humor and the love he had for his best friend. Jemima west as Isabelle was sub-par at best, I thought she was very flat with her acting, when I pictured Isabelle as more of a feisty, passionate creature rather than what was shown, although that may have been the lines she was given, to give Jemima some credit. As for Valentine...Johnathon Rhys Meyers.... Im so sorry, but no. Just no. That is all.
The movie itself, I felt that some parts come off very strongly as so close to the book that my inner fangirl reveled in it, However about 70% was completely different, which I didn't appreciate nearly as much. I understand about the screenwriters and directors generally want to make the project their own, and to show their own creativeness, but when you're working on a book with a large fan base, it's just common courtesy and common sense at that to give the audience what they want -- and that's the scenes from the book made real.
For one thing, Pandemonium, at the very beginning happened differently. Yes it was more dramatic, because Clary was all AARGGHHH in front of the whole club, but it took away from the intimacy of the first meeting with Jace and the other shadowhunters, which originally happened in an empty room off the club. Book scene better! Not to mention that the whole end fight scene was in the institute rather than the abandoned building Valentine had been hatching his master plans in. Whats up with that? I understand they tied the story together and gave the institute a promotion of sorts by having more scenes there, but IDK... it was too 'pretty'.... the way that Simon was all like, oh hey, Clary, you're mums right here. Yup, ok.
[Spoilers ahead] In the book, it was one of the most heart breaking and soul shattering (and shudder inducing) moments when you learnt that Jace and Clary were supposed siblings. See now, this was one of THE biggest plot twists, which comes to a conclusion in City of Glass, the third installment of the series. And yet, they break that conclusion when Hodge suggests in the film for Valentine to lie and tell them they are both his children, and not just Clary. Giving it all away, that Jace is not, in fact, Valentines child. I can understand why they decided to add this, seeing as audiences who have not read the book may not take well to the incestuous plot twist.... yet I remember reading the end of City of Glass and being blown away by how it all came together to reveal they weren't brother and sister, and the events unfolding around with Clary's real brother. It was a bit saddening to learn that the non-reader audience are unable to have that revelation -- and also that if they come out of this movie to read the books, that its spoilt it for them, because I thoroughly enjoyed that aspect of the City of Glass. [Spoilers over]
On the brightside? There were some direct quotes that I liked alot, and laughed out loud in the theatre like a moron, prime example -- Jocyln - "Jesus!" Simon - "Nope. Just me". Ah, I love Simon.

Thanks for reading guys, any comments/suggestions for more book to film reviews, Im happy to review pretty much anything and read any work to review.
x Chloe
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